Effective Fire Protection Services Save Lives

Fire alarm testing orlando

From home and business owners to property management personnel, fire safety and fire protection services are incredibly important when ensuring the safety of a home, business building, or apartments and condos. Fortunately, there are many fire protection options available for those looking for one, including fire alarm systems, fire sprinkler systems, fire suppression systems, and others. With the right solution, home and business owners can effectively protect against or minimize a fire, loss of life, and property damage.

It’s no secret that fire protection services are necessary for homes, and because houses are smaller than large business buildings and other structures, like hotels and motels, fire safety systems are often easier to install. That’s not always true for places like hotels and motels where fires result in about 15 deaths and 150 reported injuries each year and $76 million in property loss. When it comes to warehouse fires, they may have lower than average rates of injury for every 1,000 fires, but they’re associated with higher averages of property loss than many other structures. Fortunately, over the years, warehouse fires have declined from 4,700 in 1980 to 1,200 in 2011. Perhaps the decline is due to warehouse owners utilizing fire protection services, like installing sprinklers or implementing fire evacuation plans, something that other businesses are lacking in. In a recent survey, it was discovered that only about 35 percent of businesses have a fire evacuation plan.

In terms of effective fire protection services, sprinkler systems are one of the best. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association, there’s no record of a fire resulting in more than two fatalities when a building is properly outfitted with a fully functioning sprinkler system, such as quick response sprinklers. Between eight and 24 gallons of water per minute are released with quick response sprinklers, and studies show that with the right combination of automatic sprinklers and early warning systems, property damage and fire-related deaths and injuries can be cut by 50 percent.

Fires aren’t anything to joke about. They happen all the time, and to anyone. From the unsuspecting home in the middle of the night to the restaurant with industrial sized stoves, the best way to protect against infernos is to ensure you’re utilizing the best fire protection services available.

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