Three Benefits of Green Cleaning

Fresno carpet cleaning

Business owners know that there are many ways to keep their company clean. It is common to use cleaning products to take care of issues, without thinking too much about the products. However, many indoor cleaning products that are on the market could be potentially deadly. Indoor air pollution levels can be up to 100 times higher than those found outdoors. The EPA estimates that chemicals in cleaning products are responsible for a majority of indoor pollution.

  1. Better for the Environment: Making use of green cleaning services can be a big part of helping the environment. Using green cleaning products helps to reduce the environmental footprint of a company. Over time, continuing to use green cleaning products will continue to help the environment even more.
  2. Safer for the Workplace: Recent research shows that 80 percent of all cancers can be attributed to environmental factors and not genetics. Many household cleaners contain carcinogens that can increase the risk of cancer in humans. Choosing to use green cleaning services helps to ensure that your workplace is a safer one. Workers with sensitivities to more abrasive products will also likely be much happier with your green cleaning decision. Every business owner knows that happier works can lead to a better overall workplace.
  3. Increased Label Transparency: It is a common concern to want to know what is in cleaning products you use. However, with many of the widely available cleaning products, the ingredient names are nearly impossible to understand. One of the big benefits of green cleaning is you will likely be able to recognize all ingredients in your cleaning products. Many green cleaning products feature clear labels with fewer ingredients than other cleaners.

In closing, there are many benefits of green cleaning in the workplace. No customer wants to stick around in a building with nasty smells. Recent research shows that 72 percent of adults refused to train in gyms that had unpleasant odors. Workers do not want to spend 40 hours in a building using harsh cleaners that can cause all sorts of health problems. One of the major benefits of green cleaning is how much safer it is for the workplace, both for people and surfaces.

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