Speaking in layman’s terms the Search Engine Optimization or the SEO is the process of improving the perceptibility of the website so far as the search results are concerned. The higher the search engine results the higher are the chances that more and more people will be viewing the website on a regular basis. This is because of the fact that most of the internet surfers do not go beyond the first two pages of the web based search results.
Being an internet based marketing technique the search engine optimization encompasses the entire workings of the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and the Bing. Enhancing the visibility of a website may not be an easier thing to do because it usually involves certain painstaking and difficult things such as editing the content and the HTML. Increasing the number of back links and the inbound links is also considered to be another one of the SEO tactics which is regularly applied to increase the visibility of any website.
Not so surprisingly the people who do the search engine optimization are the consultants who have been hired by the companies to do their bidding on the internet.
Before we go into the detail of the exact working of the search engine optimization techniques and tools it is imperative for us to have a basic understanding of how the search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing rank certain websites. The search engines use the crawlers to find the pages for their algorithmic search results. While some other search engines such as Yahoo utilize the paid submission service. The search engine crawlers can have a look at diversified factors when they are crawling on a site.
Then there are certain ethical and the unethical techniques which can be employed in the search engine optimization process. They are more commonly referred to as the White Hat and the Black Hat techniques respectively. A Search Engine optimization technique is considered to be a white hat technique if it conforms to the guidelines laid down by the search engine and it can be labeled as the black hat if it is against the code of conduct laid down by the search engine.
It should be remembered that although the search engine optimization is considered to be a vital thing so far as the internet marketing strategy is concerned but this strategy may not be appropriate for all the types of websites. There are other ways to enhance the visibility of the website which may include building the high quality content and attractive and eye catching web pages which are able to engage and persuade the users to visit the website again and again.
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