Without a good sign your business risks falling into obscurity. This isn’t just trendy marketing lingo meant to give you a good scare — customers are submerged in a complex and competitive market on a daily basis, eager for good deals yet increasingly predisposed toward fast and reliable results. Unless your business puts its best foot forward and communicates both intent and professionalism with a strong signage presence, you can kiss your future success goodbye. Thankfully, there are more than enough different types of signs to satisfy any business, budget or style. From a floor sign holder to acrylic display risers, all that matters is you get started.
Help Customers Find Your Store
One of the most basic and often neglected aspects of a good sign is simply helping your customers locate your place of business. When they’re walking down the sidewalk or driving in traffic, they’re bombarded with dozens and even hundreds of signs. How do you ensure they not only notice your business, but know where to find it? Location is the name of the game and one you should consider when buying a floor sign holder.
Encourage Impulse Buys
Not all purchases are planned. Sometimes people don’t know what they need until they see it! A 2014 Mass Merchant Study saw as many as 16% of unplanned purchases were due to noticing a display while shopping (another reason to place it in a smart location as noted above), with additional surveys revealing up to 80% of shoppers will make their purchase decision in the store. Clear price tag sleeves and creative retail display ideas will go a long way in making their browsing experience easy and appealing.
Don’t Push Your Customers To Competitors
A good customer service experience is everything. Although shoppers do like to use their smartphones and tablets to do research on a product, up to 80% of consumers still prefer to visit the shop themselves and get the full experience. A 2011 report found nearly 90% of consumers will actually pay more for a better experience. That can mean seemingly negligible things like using an attractive floor sign holder or just putting on a nice smile whenever you see someone walk through the door.
Make More Money In The Future
When it comes down to it, you just want your business to be successful. Likewise, customers want to make sure they’re getting what they need as conveniently as possible. Even a good deal is less preferable to a pleasant customer service experience! A strong sign presence is proven to help customers find your place of business, help them navigate the store and make them feel more welcome. Some recent studies, including one from Brigham Young University, have even found merchandise with a sign outsold the same merchandise without by 20%. Don’t accidentally squander your business’ potential. Get clever with your display stands and give off a mighty first impression!
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