Construction means big machines. There are many types of heavy equipment that is used to move the earth. Some equipment is used to pick up, carry and move the earth to another location. The heavy machinery or equipment used for this type of heavy work have a bucket and bucket pins maintain operation of the bucket. Some equipment is used move earth into a different formation.
The heavy equipment that picks up, moves and carries earth, landscape, building and construction materials use a big, heavy bucket to carry the materials. The bucket pins hold the bucket in place so the material does not fall from the bucket as it is lifted. Bucket pins are a very important part in the heavy equipment use to move the earth and materials. Bucket pins experience a huge amount of pressure and wear and tear – if the bucket pins break, it is not possible to use the heavy equipment for the purpose needed.
What are the types of heavy equipment?
- There are many different types of heavy equipment and earth movers. There is the backhoe bucket and the bulldozer. You also have the backhoe loader. There are cranes of every shape and size. There are boom trucks which are similar to cranes. Heavy equipment also consists of trencher, forklifts, sweeper and diggers. There are heavy hydraulics. Most if not all of the equipment in this category is run by diesel fuel and have diesel engines. Some of the heavy equipment is used for engineering.
Diesel engines have two classes as they are used in commercial equipment such as vehicles, generators and other equipment used in construction. The two classes are two-stroke and four-stroke which indicates the type of operation of the engine and the pistons.
What types of construction or heavy work is done with this equipment?
- Heavy equipment is used in many different and various aspects of construction as well as in home repair and maintenance. A consumer who wants to receive a load of mulch or rock to use in home landscaping or the home and garden store will pick up and load the rock or mulch using heavy equipment with a bucket and hydraulic lift in order to move the materials from the storage area into a truck or trailer. Consumers purchasing block or drywall or any heavy building material is going to be picked up and moved using heavy equipment like a forklift or loader.
The other end of the spectrum are the heavy machines used for all types of construction, from building bridges, highways and buildings to building residential housing. If the earth has to be moved, trees and landscape removed, large holes, trenches and ditches need to be dug, heavy equipment is needed. If any of the construction process involves picking up heavy materials and moving them to another location, a bucket of some sort will be part of that equipment and bucket pins play a critical part in the operation of any machine with a bucket.
What about Equipment Breakdown?
- Heavy equipment is built to endure severe and outrageous conditions. It is built to be extremely sturdy and be able to withstand all types of heavy work. However breakdowns are inevitable in these environments. For big jobs and for companies that operate the heavy machinery every day, there is usually diesel or heavy equipment mechanics on site to make the repairs. Preventive maintenance is also important. For instance, the bucket pins should be checked and maintained to avoid breakdown in the middle of the job.
User error is not covered under any warranty for the heavy equipment; however this is one common cause of equipment breakdown and accounts for over 35% of equipment failure. For this reason, users and operators should be educated and trained in the use of the heavy equipment. Construction equipment, for the most part, has an expected life of about 15 years. Preventive maintenance and using quality heavy equipment parts is an important part of getting the most years from the equipment. Cylinders, heavy equipment oil coolers, bucket pins are just a few of the parts used in heavy equipment servicing. Maintaining efficient operation should be the first priority of the heavy equipment operation.