Trenchless Sewer Repair and You — What You Need to Know to Start Saving Today

Pipe repair

As far as sewer repair or sewer inspections are concerned, experts agree that forty years is the current estimated maximum lifespan of a sewer system. While they can technically last and operate a lot longer, sewer experts strongly recommended you treat forty as the December of your sewer’s life. Even if your system is still operating after as many years, there are almost certainly going to be newer and better technologies on the market which can save you a ton of water, money, and even physical space on your property.

Consider the following: most homes in operation today use a traditional sort of sewer system on their property. These systems are prone to root intrusion, which is basically damage incurred when a nearby tree digs its roots too close to the pipes. Sometimes, systems are destroyed by this process and an emergency situation occurs. Traditional pipe replacement not only runs the risk of encountering problems like root intrusion, but also causes your lawn to become damaged over time. Installing or repairing these systems require your lawn to be practically dug up, which alters the structure of the ground in such a way that it will basically require maintenance again in five or ten years.

Now, many homeowners are turning to a newer technology which eliminates the need for digging up your lawn in such a way. Sewer repair is no longer a destructive process. These newer, trenchless systems come with life expectancies of around 100 years, and are also built to resist chemicals and even root intrusion. Truly, these systems are such an improvement over the technologies of yesterday, that investing in them seems almost mandatory.

Even if your home or sewer system is newer than forty years, it may still be worth considering at least having a plumber perform a sewer inspection. You could stand to save a lot of money, and the health of your lawn will increase dramatically. Some have even had to demolish or replant trees on their property which interfered with their sewer lines. That process isn’t cheap, either. An investment in your sewer system today could mean keeping the money you’d otherwise be shelling out towards other renovation projects in the future.

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