One thing that a company may need more than almost anything else is simple awareness of its brand and name. Naturally, a lot of research and money is dedicated every year to researching new and more effective methods for advertising, and in the 21st century, these methods vary widely. Traditional means exist, such as fabric banners or tabletop banner stand at trade shows, and trade shows are a fine place for a company to boost awareness and interest in its brand. There, retractable banner stands and tabletop banner stands are the rule, but advertising goes beyond this. Modern companies also make use of in-store advertising methods and packaging, which in fact have some overlap with trade show booths and their displays. Finally, digital media such as television and the Internet can be used in all sorts of ways to promote a brand across the United States or even the world. The Internet is its own topic, however, and advertisers may consider the advertising power of attractive tabletop banner stands at trade shows and packaging in stores and grocery markets.
Trade Shows
Many studies and surveys show that despite the prevalence and power of the Internet, face to face human communication and signs are still potent and are not to be underestimated. It has long since been proven that signs, banners, and packaging can draw a consumer’s attention and convince them to make a purchase, and a similar strategy may be used at a trade show. At such an event, many brands and companies have their own displays set up to appeal to potential customers and business clients, and these displays use tables, scaffolding, brochures and pamphlets, and simple human communication to reach out to these customers. Trade shows are a focused place, where many brand are competing and many clients and customers are browsing them. In fact, around 99% of marketers, nearly all of them, say that they find unique value from trade show exhibits that they don’t typically find in other marketing mediums.
What does this mean? At a trade show, for example, real life human conversation can be had. A business’ social media account is one thing, but at a trade show, a customer or potential client may appreciate a friendly and helpful person at a display to promote their brand and answer questions. This allows both parties to form a rapport using natural human communication, which is a need for people no matter how powerful the Internet becomes. This appeals to a customer’s natural desires to connect to others and meet new people, and with face to face communication, the employees at a trade show stand may easily answer questions, explain many details, make offers, and more. This, combined with ads on tabletop banner stands or pamphlets, may go a long way toward making a good impression on customers and earning their trust (and hopefully their business). Going to trade shows gives a brand’s employees chances that they normally don’t have to connect with customers and clients, and this may prove profitable in the long run if helpful, well-informed, and charismatic employees are working at such a booth. The human element and visual ads will work together.
Signs in Stores
At a grocery store or other marketplace, a brand’s employees won’t be there in person to promote an item, but their packaging and the store’s own signs may handle this. Packages for products can be quite effective in drawing a customer’s attention, making use of colorful and appealing patterns and brand names, photos, and quality material to make a good impression on customers. Such packaging may also have helpful short paragraphs or bullet points of information on the back. Studies show that many customers will buy again from a brand if the items come in quality and interesting packaging, and some pleased consumers even share photos of such packaging on social media. This may serve as amateur but free exposure for the brand. These package designs may easily boost sales, and they make use of how customers think. It may be noted that statistically, most consumers are undecided about how to spend money when they enter a store. Attractive packages try to settle that decision in their respective brands’ favor.