Every contractor knows that there’s nothing worse than realizing you need to add a pipeline in the middle of a project. The worst case scenario is when a water or telecommunications pipeline needs to be put down in an area where construction has already begun. Rather than displacing the area by digging a trench, using underground directional boring is a safe and effective alternative. If you’ve never worked with the process before, here are a few reasons to bring on a trusted boring directional contractor.
It’s Non-Disruptive
Trenches cause significant above-ground disruption, which can have negative effects on existing ecosystems, foot traffic, and motorists. Trenchless drilling, by contrast, only displaces the surface soil at its point of entry and point of exit, meaning that the area in-between is not disturbed. It’s a particularly popular option if you’re laying pipe around marshes or wetlands, where delicate ecosystems be affected (and, in turn, may affect) a pipeline.
Easy to Work Around Obstacles
Some cities are able to block off areas temporarily for a trench to be built, but in many instances, it isn’t feasible without displacing homes, moving businesses, or closing down major roadways. Underground boring is particularly popular for heavily populated areas, especially city centers and suburbs.
Fewer Safety Concerns
Compared to open excavation, trenchless pipe drilling doesn’t present a danger to pedestrians and motor vehicles that happen to be passing by. Trench collapse deaths have increased over 200% since 2016, which can always be avoided with underground drilling. The directional boring contractor will need to beware of existing utility lines and should work closely with clients to ensure that they are familiar with the underground grid. However, working with a professional directional boring contractor who is well-versed in safety protocol should ensure that accidents do not occur.
Commercial boring takes many forms, so be sure you work with a directional boring contractor with experience drilling for plumbing or electrical lines. Exploratory drilling for water or oil its own separate field; a contractor with experience laying utility pipelines for local governments or on construction projects is ideal. Directional drilling is delicate, so be sure to look for a trusted expert before you start excavation.