On average, approximately 50% of the energy that a household uses is for cooling and heating. There are a variety of factors that will contribute to or otherwise determine how much energy a house uses for these purposes. This includes where the house is located and whether or not it is in need of repairs. Houses that have been updated to include energy-efficient features and appliances will also tend to use less energy for cooling, heating, and other needs. When a house’s interior and exterior is well-insulated and sealed, this can reduce overall energy usage and costs and create a more comfortable home environment.
Different Types of Insulation
While insulation may be available in a variety of forms and materials, these are the most commonly used types:
- Rolls and batts
- Loose-fill
- Rigid foam
- Foam-in-place
When just a small area, such as a crack in the wall, needs to be sealed, foam-in-place, or a foam sealant can be used. Foam sealants, which are made with polyurethane, are available in two types: closed-cell and open-cell. Insulation is graded using an R value. When this value is high, the insulation is also considered to be of a higher grade, which is measured by the relationship between material thickness and thermal conductivity.
The Benefits of Interior Insulation
In order to reduce monthly costs for air conditioning and heating, spray foam insulation can make a difference. Experts report that this can be as much as 60% a month. When homeowners engage in other energy-saving behaviors, such as purchasing Energy Star approved heating and cooling systems, this can also create a more energy-efficient home environment. Another way to save energy costs is to lower thermostats by seven to ten degrees. This has been shown to reduce overall energy costs by an additional ten percent.
The Benefits of Exterior Insulated Finish Systems
While there are different ways to reduce a wall’s air filtration, Exterior Insulated Finish Systems are popular with contractors. When compared with brick or wood constructions, these systems have demonstrated their ability to reduce air filtration up to 55%.
Having the Right Professional Tools and Supplies
Whether you’re installing or repairing concrete, drywall, or insulation, you need to use the best possible materials along with the right assortment of tools for the job. In addition to heavy-duty work gloves, spray foam kits, finishing trowels are likely on your list. Along with finishing trowels, you may also need to purchase concrete trowels and power tools or exterior jobs.