Small business owners with storefronts are often very diligent about the cleanliness of their store. An unclean store can bring about negative customer reviews and can prevent new customers from trying the business out. While it is important to make your storefront cleanliness a priority, the exterior is just as important. Not enough business or property owners put sufficient resources into the exterior?s cleanliness. A clean exterior, in addition to a clean interior, can provide a business with the following advantages.
An increase in customer reputation
Customer reputation is more important than ever before. Previous and current customers can easily leave their feedback on a business on the internet. Customers that are looking for a business to meet their needs often start their search on the internet. A storefront that is not clean is likely to attract negative internet reviews, thus decreasing the number of customers that come into the business. There are many factors involved in a satisfied customer, but cleanliness is one of the most important.
A minimal risk to customer and employee safety
Unsanitary and obstructed exteriors can be a health and safety risk to both customers and employees. Downed branches can pose fall risks. When parking lots and walkways are not regularly cleaned with sweeper trucks, they pose chemical risks. Examples of pollutants generated in urban areas include oil, grease, and toxic chemicals from automobiles, nutrients and pesticides from turf management and gardening, viruses and bacteria from failing septic systems, road salts, and heavy metals. A parking lot that does not receive regular street sweeping services is likely to have at least a couple of these harmful contaminants.
Better curb appeal
Properly cared for and cleaned exteriors have a better curb appeal. Curb appeal is important in both residential and commercial situations. While curb appeal is often thought of as a way to increase your house?s value, it can also increase a customer?s likeliness of visiting the storefront. When a shop looks run down, dirty, and dangerous from the front, customers will choose another business instead. Regular street sweeping services increase the businesses curb appeal and overall customer foot traffic.
Easy parking ability
Many businesses are also rated on their availability of parking. If a customer has to drive around for many minutes to find a parking space, they are unlikely to return, if they even make it into the business. If you are renting a space or do not have the ability to increase your parking lot space, you might feel like there is little you can do about parking spaces. However, many businesses give up parking spaces to tree debris, snow piles, and other structures. With regular street sweeping services, you can ensure that your parking lot is free of debris. Street sweeping is effective for removing both large and microscopic pollutants that collect on city streets and parking lots. Adding even a couple of parking spaces can make a significant difference.
How to keep up with clean parking lots
As a business owner, you are responsible for a lot of business tasks. You probably don?t want to spend your valuable time outside sweeping the parking lot. You also don?t want to waste your employee?s skills on street sweeping services. Fortunately, many companies offer contracted parking lot cleaner?s services. Call around and request parking lot sweeping prices. If you need a onetime cleanup service, you can always choose a street sweeper rental.
Well maintained parking areas and sidewalks are key to attracting customers. Many people consider exterior cleanliness to be as important as interior cleanliness. Additionally, customers expect parking lots to be safe and free of any obstructions. Regular street sweeping services are the best way to keep exterior spaces clean and safe.