When you consider the importance of water — whether from a personal, commercial or industrial point of view — it is clear that more needs to be done to protect our valuable water resources, especially since just 3% of all of the water in the world is fresh water. Industry is one of the main culprits when it comes to pollution of water, with 70% of industrial waste being dumped and then polluting waterways and ground water. For those in the oil and gas sector, in particular, the need for reliable, effective solutions to water contamination and groundwater management is needed. Environmental remediation services are pivotal to the preservation of water in both urban and rural areas.
Groundwater remediation is a process that removes groundwater contamination. In most processes between 85% and 95% of pollutants can be removed from the water waste before it is fed back into waterways. The result of this environmental contracting is an overall reduction in pollutants entering the water supply.
Groundwater is vital to the supply of fresh water to residents of the U.S, with over 95% of available fresh water and half of all drinking water supplies being provided by groundwater. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which examined data from between 1976 and 2006, more than half (54%) of all reported drinking water outbreaks were due to the use of untreated ground water or deficiencies in the treatment of ground water.
Depending on the nature of the waste and pollution, different groundwater remediation methods can be used. Traditionally treatments by environmental contracting services may include groundwater pumping and treating and soil excavation. Usually a submersible or vacuum pump is used to draw the groundwater up and out and treat it to a purified state. This method can be slow and expensive, though. Other technologies used in environmental contracting include solidification and stabilization, the use of permeable reactive barriers, bioremediation-phytoremediation, and in situ thermal desorption. Choosing the right method for your needs depends on the nature and site of the contamination or the type of wastewater being produced. Environmental contractors can advise on the best course of action.