If you are preparing yourself for moving out of town, you may feel a bit anxious about packing and moving. However, although moving does require an extraordinary amount of effort, it doesn’t have to cause tremendous stress. By developing a moving plan (including a dated moving out checklist), you will be able to make your move in a more organized fashion.
According to Good Housekeeping, first time movers often find themselves overwhelmed when they realize how much effort is required to organize their belongings for a move. The same website recommends beginning to plan your move about eight weeks in advance. Many moving experts recommend the use of color-coded labels on packing boxes. Once your boxes are packed, be sure each box is noted on the organizing checklist.
Although many people who are moving may try to transport their belongings for themselves, most find that using moving services will be best for your peace of mind. According to Good Housekeeping, you can check the Better Business Bureau to verify the credentials of a moving company. The same website also recommends the use of moving insurance to protect your belongings.

Moving home and house isn’t only expensive–it’s incredibly stressful. You have to worry about making sure your utility connections are all set up, moving house phone connections in a timely manner, making sure children and pets are transitioning well, and a myriad of other troubles.
One of the best ways to beat this stress is with a good plan. Keeping track of things you’ve done, and things you’ve got to do is a good way to make sure you’ve taken care of such chores as moving house phone connections. Here’s a few tips to help you make your move less stressful!
1. Four Weeks Before Your Move.
Four weeks before your move, you’re going to want to begin moving house phone connections by arranging and organizing the service. This is key, because unless you start moving house phone connections now, you may not have service in your new home. Notify all due parties of your moving date. Arrange for an inspection so that you can recoup any bond owed to you, and for a cleaner.
2. Three Weeks Before Your Move.
At this point, it’s a good idea to start packing the things you don’t use every day, such as items in your shed. This would also be the time to rent a truck or moving vehicle, and arrange for any moving services.
3. Two Weeks Before Your Move.
Two weeks before your move, you should start planning for the needs of your children and pets, such as their medication, food, care, and entertainment (to keep them busy and distracted). This is also the time to jot down an inventory of your packed items so that you know where everything is during the move and nothing gets lost.
4. One Week Before Your Move.
A week before your move you should double check your plans around moving home phone connections to new house, and any of the other ancillary services, such as Internet. If you haven’t started moving house phone connections, your new home could be unreachable. You should also check and make sure your utilities in your new house are also connected as well. This would also be the time to do any deep cleaning, such as defrosting the refrigerator, and using baking soda to get rid of any foul odors.
So long as you heed this list, you’ll have no trouble remembering to check you’re moving house phone connections, or doing any of the other chores you’ve got to do. If you have any questions about moving house phone connections or any other chores, feel free to ask in the comments.