Many of the painting contractors who have been around the block know that there are inevitable highs and lows when it comes to incoming business. Some seasons, like winter and back to school, bring in fewer clients. How are painting companies meant to keep afloat during these times? The revenue from the busy season might help during these times, but business owners should be proactive in bringing in new and existing clients, even during slower seasons. This video by The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors offers a few insights.
One of the most important steps to take is to ensure your business has a marketing campaign in place. Having fewer calls leaves you even more time to prioritize this. You could consider sending out a newsletter, posting flyers, improving your website’s SEO, and posting regularly on socials. Consider reaching out to existing clients via email or text message to inquire about further painting needs that they need to be fulfilled.
When you know that you’ve done all that you can with your marketing strategy, you can take time to improve your business. This ensures that, when the phone does ring and you complete projects, you receive 100% customer satisfaction. With downtime, consider re-training, seeking methods of improving customer service, and making your online systems as efficient as possible. For more information, watch this useful video!