Did you know that a whopping 1,890 searches happen every single second on the internet? That amounts to almost 5 billion internet searches every single month. These numbers alone should inform you about how effective local internet marketing can be for your business. Brick and mortar business owners that take advantage of the services provided by an internet marketing consultant perform better than local business owners that ignore internet marketing. Most people think social media sites provide the best results for promoting a brand. The fact of the matter is promoting brands over email is much more effective than promoting brands in social media sites.
Over 93 percent of people using the internet are more attracted to brands in their email than on social networking sites. Automotive marketing is reliant on local internet marketing because dealers are spending time trying to attract customers from their region. More than 75 percent of internet users say they rather view organic listings than paid sponsored ads in search engines. Furthermore, research indicates a significant amount of people between the ages of 25 and 34 will not stay on a website that displays irrelevant advertisements. Automotive digital marketing combined with local internet marketing strategies produce the best results for local business owners.